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Teacher and Student Success Plan TSSA



Teacher and Student Success Plan



School Information

Name of Administrator: Tana Chipp

 Name of School: Washington Terrace Elementary


Goal # 1

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement

Goal #1:

Based on Pathways to Progress schoolwide data, 60% or more of our K-6 students will show typical, above, or well above progress on end of year Acadience Assessment.


Goal #1 Action Steps

Action Step #1 - A subscription for IXL, a personalized learning curriculum support, will be purchased for grades 3-5 to enhance ELA instruction.  


Action Step #2 - Teachers will meet weekly in collaborative teams to review standards/curriculum, develop common formative assessments, analyze data, modify instruction, and determine placement of students for weekly interventions and enrichment activities facilitated by a combination of teachers and aides.  This collaborative time will be created when students participate in PLC time by attending Computer, P.E., Library, and Art. The computer specialist will focus on basic computer skills, keyboarding proficiency, and the use of computer-based programs which enhance academic instruction. Funds will pay for the aides who work with children during PLCs.


Action Step #3 - Chromebooks will be leased so all students have access to IXL (3-6 grades) and/or Imagine Learning Program (K-2 grades) and other programs during PLC time. Chromebooks will also be used during instructional time. 


Action Step #4 - Reading aides will be hired to help in all grades with small group reading. 


Action Step #6- Purchase Newline Panels for grades K-3 to enhance blended learning in the lower grade classrooms. 


Action Step #7 Reading Materials will be purchased to help students reading abilities and help begin Bulldog Buddy Reading


Action Step #8 Professional Development for staff and students to improve their skills and gain more knowledge to better their practices academically and behaviorally.


PSI test from LETRS will be given to K-3 students at the BOY/MOY/EOY.  Students will receive 95% Group interventions based on the PSI results.



Goal #1 Expenditure Category

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures. (Please right click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.)


School personnel stipends

Professional learning

Additional school employees

Student wellness support

Student leadership development

College and career readiness skills


Before – or after – school programs

Community support programs or partnerships

Early childhood education

Class size reduction strategies


fill in here


Goal # 1 Measures of Success

Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.


Acadience tests will be administered to K-6 students at the BOY/MOY/EOY. EOY data will be compared to BOY data. EOY will show 60% or more of our K-6 students with typical, above, or well above progress.

Goal #2

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement.

Goal #2

Behavior Goal: Total number of office referrals (majors) and/or think time referrals (minors) will decrease by 5% from Beginning of School Year 2022-2023 to End of School Year 2023-2024 for specifically identified students.


Goal #2 Action Steps 

Action Step #1 - A mental health specialist will be hired to provide wellness support for students. 


Action Step #2 - Hire a student advocate to support and reinforce classroom and school-wide behavior plan(s). #5 - Behavior Data will be reviewed by Behavior Team in monthly meetings to compare positive to major/minor behavior 


Action Step #3 - Specific students will be identified at the BOY who will need extra behavior support using teacher referrals and student tracking documents.


Action Step #4 - Behavior Data will be reviewed by the Behavior Team in monthly meetings to monitor positive to major/minor behavior.


Action Step #5 -Supply behavior aides and Title I coordinator with resources; i.e., positive rewards for students who meet behavior goals during the school year. 


Action Step #6 - Provide Panorama software for students in grades 3-6 to help with student wellness support. 


Action Step #7 - Pay for Leader in Me membership and materials to help with the proactive approach of teaching students productive habits to be successful in life. All students will be given positive tickets during the school year. 



Goal #2 Expenditure Areas

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures. (Please click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.)


School personnel stipends

Professional learning

Additional school employees

Student wellness support

Student leadership development

College and career readiness skills


Before – or after – school programs

Community support programs or partnerships

Early childhood education

Class size reduction strategies


fill in here

Goal # 2 Measures of Success:

Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.


#1 - Quarterly data will be taken to see progress of increased positive behavior and/or meeting the daily goal for identified students. 

#2 - Ticket data will be tracked quarterly. Data will compare positives to office majors and minor infractions (think time). 

#3 - EOY data from behavior trackers will show the students on trackers meeting their goal 85% of the time each quarter. 


Do you have a Goal #3

(Please click on the checkbox(es).)




*If no then skip to Proposed Budget

Goal #3

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement.

Goal #3

Fill in here


Goal #3 Action Step

Fill in here


Fill in here


Fill in here


Fill in here


Fill in here


Fill in here



Goal #3 Expenditure Areas

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures.(Please click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.)


School personnel stipends

Professional learning

Additional school employees

Student wellness support

Student leadership development

College and career readiness skills


Before – or after – school programs

Community support programs or partnerships

Early childhood education

Class size reduction strategies


fill in here

Goal #3 Measures of Success

Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.


Fill in here


Proposed Budget


Budget Upload


Stakeholder Involvement


Who was involved in developing this plan?  (Please click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable stakeholder group.)


Collaborative Leadership Team



Community Council Members


Support Professionals


fill in here




Administrator Signature

Please type the name of the administrator submitting this application. This is considered an electronic signature for the application. By signing, the administrator agrees that the plan provided will be implemented and followed in order to reach the specified goals. 

Signature : Tana Chipp

Date : 7/6/2023