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March 3 2022 Community Council Minutes

Community Council Meeting Minutes 

Washington Terrace Elementary   3/3/22


Attendance:  Katie Amsden, Jamie Smith, Heidi Valdez, JeNae Clegg, Heather Spring, Cheri Wilkins, Morgan Wilkins, Nikki Kitchen.

1. JeNae Clegg reviewed minutes from the previous meeting.

  Nikki Kitchen motioned to approve minutes, Heather Spring seconded.

2. Discussion of upcoming Trust Land Plan

            Allotment for 2021- 2022: $70, 609

            Estimated funding for 2022-2023 based on WPU- $66,604.00


            Proposed budget 2022-2023

            $46, 500 for paraprofessional for reading and math

            $10,000 for ChromeBooks (linked to reading goal)

                           Math action steps include:

                           K-3 Acadience math

                           IXL grades 4-6 (80 points of growth for 100% of students)

            Remaining $10,000 to be allocated as follows:

            $3,000 Zearn site license

            $2,000 Headphones

            $2,000 Technology related supplies, possible IXL training for teachers

Additional comments: Dream Box may possibly be funded by the Stem Action grant and not with Trust Land funds.

Jamie Smith motioned to approve the Trust Land plan.  JeNae Clegg seconded.

3. Title One update-

            Title One night will be Wednesday, March 23rd from 5:00- 7:30.  Parent education classes will be offered as well as activities for families.  Classes include: Emotional Poverty, Appropriate Social Scrolling, Phonological Awareness, Comprehension and Vocabulary.  Dinner will be served.

4. TSSA/ESSR update:

Academic Vocabulary Program was purchased for grades 3-6.  Teachers will implement it during the 2022-2023 school year.

PTA fundraiser of chocolate will run from March 14-April 14.  Monies will directly benefit and support the school.  Kickoff assembly will be on March 10th.   100% of PTA funds granted to the school will be spent to replace broken playground equipment (rainbow slide and small tube). 

Morgan Wilkins suggested possible other sources of funding to replace playground equipment including a RAMP grant.  He will further investigate and report back.  Mrs. Amsden will discuss playground funding with Emily Oyler from the Weber Foundation.

5. Other business:

 Mrs. Amsden shared an upcoming partnership with the YMCA for an after-school program.  The program will be run by the YMCA including the grant, program, and trainer.  Washington Terrace Elementary will provide the site.  The grant will run for 5 years and she hopes to have it ready to go in the Fall of 2022.

Mrs. Amsden is writing a proposal that would provide each classroom in grades k-1 with an aide.

Cheri Wilkins requested that more art supplies be purchased to support the school’s art rotation during PLC.  These items will be purchased.

Heidi Valdez motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Cheri Wilkins seconded.  Meeting adjourned.